FREE 2024 Drone Certification Course-Part 107

Over the past year, I have been working to put together a free online video course for anyone looking to earn their part 107 license! This video covers every topic you will need to know in order to better prepare for the FAA exam! In addition to the course, I also offer links to purchasing practice exams and I even have my PowerPoint slides from the video available for purchase as well!


Purchase Additional Study Material & Practice Exams Here!

2024 Part 107 PowerPoint Slides

Purchase your copy of my PowerPoint Slides from my FREE Part 107 Course available on Youtube!

Use these slides to help better prepare yourself to take your Part 107 exam. Study them more as you follow along with my study guide online and more!

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About Me

Hello! My name is Matt Kendall. I have been a licensed drone operator since 2018. I earned my part 107 license while in college and graduated with a B.S. in Aviation Management and a minor in business from Auburn University. Prior to going full time in photography & video, I worked full-time in the aviation industry in airport operations and security. My passion for photography & video was inspired through my love for flying remote control aircraft and operating drones commercially across the United States. I’ve used my Part 107 for various industries such as weddings, real estate, construction and more! I hope my Part 107 course will help better prepare you to pass your exam!


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